"La prison des regards"
Time : 00"04"55
« La prison des regards »
Une personne, de sexe féminin, tente de se libérer de son propre regard, de ses convinctions. Elle lutte avec ses mains contre les contraintes qui ont prît le contrôle de son corps nu, de son visage. Lentement, le nu se révèle pour s'exposer enfin tout entier, les forces domptées acceptent le message de cette nudité libre...
( EN version : the prison of gazes)
A female person tries to break herself free from her own gaze, her convinctions. She fights with her hands against the constraints that took over the control of her nude body, of her face. Slowly, the nude reveals itself completely as a strenght of the freedom. The tamed forced accept the message of the nudity free...
A female person tries to break herself free from her own gaze, her convinctions. She fights with her hands against the constraints that took over the control of her nude body, of her face. Slowly, the nude reveals itself completely as a strenght of the freedom. The tamed forced accept the message of the nudity free...
"That man"
In that ground, there’s that man lying down while being inside of the shadow.
The shadows danced behind his back and then...
...they whisper him with a simple question:
"Who are you exactly?"
And that man turned his head to the shadows and answered this:
"Is this important for me or you to have an answer that you already know? I am a simple one nothing more nor less.
Did my answer give you a satisfaction?"
Did my answer give you a satisfaction?"
After a while, they stared each other until that man disappeared without any trace like he never existed...
The shadows still wonder :
"Who's that man?..."
"That man"